a puritan's blog

O God, stamp eternity on my eyeballs…

Tag Archives: Potluck

Reformation, not halloween

So, not a fan of Halloween at all.  If I had a cool laser pointer that could burn small holes through thin plastic I would put on my ghillie suit, paint my face and crawl down the neighborhood burning holes in all the blow-up plastic Halloween characters.  That would be unlawful, I’m sure, which is why i will not do it.  however, the problem isn’t just halloween but that churched folks are loving it as well.  My bible has said, “be not conformed to this world…” (Romans 12:2) and halloween observance with all its trappings, costumes and fear-based approaches are a conforming to this world.  Many churches are touting ‘trunk or treat’ on their signs which is not a better or lesser evil option.  I really don’t get it.  There is also a growing move and emphasis on Hell Halls, Judgment Halls, or scaring-hell-into-you themed tours.  This society, nation and world need the profound reality, weight and seriousness of hell made plain to them but not as entertainment at the cost of theatrical productions.  What has happened to the preaching of the cross alone?

Here, I recommend an alternative to the observance of halloween.  There are two:

1) Martin Luther and the historical nailing of his 95 Theses occured on October 31st, 1517.  It is a remarkable and must-read!  It would be more beneficial to sit down, in a quiet house and read this to yourself and/or your family.

2) Hold a soup supper or potluck at your local church or homeless shelter and gather for fellowship.  Incorporate the reading of the Holy Scriptures, sing and have preaching.  Well…read the 95 theses as well, while your’e at it.  Here is a church that has a similar idea.  Halloween should be changed to Luther day or Fall Festival day – DOWN with halloween!  No more halloween.  No more halloween.  I usurp sereptitiously and demand boycott everywhere and a redress of grievances and all that Tea Party stuff…